Support The City Gates Church
General giving to support the church
Giving to support our local and global missionaries. When you arrive at the giving page, please change the drop down from General to Missions.
Online Banking - Most banks offer a bill pay service, often at no charge. You may use that service to send a contribution to the City Gates Church.
Here is the City Gates Church payee information:
The City Gates Church
9401 Little River Turnpike
Fairfax, VA 22031
Phone: 703-425-3800
By Mail - Make checks payable to The City Gates Church and mail to:
The City Gates Church
9401 Little River Turnpike
Fairfax, VA 22031
In Person - Tithe/offering boxes are available for those attending in person at the back of the sanctuary by the entrance doors.
You may request a contribution statement by emailing Thank you for your faithful and generous support of the ministry of the City Gates Church.
Log in here to manage recurring giving.
To Give Stock, Mutual Funds & Other Assets - Please contact our office at 703-425-3800 for assistance.